I can't sit here and tell you that you're not making good decisions about what you're doing while going through the treatment you're doing. You KNOW how much i care and worry and you still put yourself in bad situations that could really effect your health. Can't you just lay in your hospital bed like everyone else? Do you HAVE to do the stupid shit you're doing? I want to see you get through this but you're risking yourself with what you're doing. I can't tell you how to live your life, but I'dlike to see you live your life AFTER this. I know I'm always on your ass about this. I wouldn't if I didn't care and I wish you weren't so stubborn and actually listenend for once. You didn't want to deal with me that one day, maybe you should have really thought about your actions then. Do you need me to tell you it's a bad idea to not do it? You obviously know you shouldn't but you do anyways. I can't talk to you on a daily basis if you keep telling me things that you know is going to upset me. You can't care about having a good time when you're sitting up in a hospital room with poison running through your veins.
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