Thursday, July 9, 2009


So I've been a member of Twitter for a little while and I NEVER got the hang of it. I hated it, i just didn't get the fascination with it. Well, with discovering twitpic, I'm kind of obsessed now. I'm finally getting the hang of it and i love how you can upload pics from your phone, which is what i keep doing now. the whole 'following' concept is still creepy to me. i don't like the thought of strangers following me. i can't tweet privately or it wont automatically update my facebook, which is also a cool feature as I've discovered. since i am a fan of blogging and have random short thoughts, micro blogging is a pretty good idea for me.

Follow me:


Tommy, I can only imagine how happy you are about this :P


  1. I just can't get into Twitter, I tried for a couple weeks and I just hate it.

  2. It took me awhile to get into it...i kept trying and finally i kinda gave in and enjoy it soon as i totally get the hang of it haha

  3. Lol, yeah I just really like the facebook system and LJ and blogs as a better system of keeping up.

  4. i love facebook..oh so dearly. we have a special relationship. LJ is kinda dyin for me. i like this blog better.
