Monday, July 27, 2009
Gold should be silver and i should not be up this late

Monday, July 13, 2009
I'll need a new one anyways..

10 years done
I have officially quit smoking. It has been about 6 days since my last cigarette. It is pretty difficult, especially when I get stressed but I think after the terrible habit that lasted about 10 years, it's time to quit. I know it's a filthy pointless habit, but i did it for so long. It's time to break that pattern. The physical addiction is gone after 3 days. That's done already. The mental addiction is about a week. I'm so close to that. I know that I'll probably smoke when I'm out drinking, but I don't want to do that for at least a month of being smoke free. I'm already starting to feel healthier. I've been drinking a lot of water lately too. I'm doing a total 180 on my body and it's reacting nicely to it. I'm just hoping i don't gain any weight from this. i have tea that curves my appetite, so that's good. even though i was STARVING when i was heading into work today. But I'm quite proud of myself and Tommy is beyond proud of me for quitting. i honestly never thought i would, and now i have. GO ME!!! i think i deserve a prize or something.
Thursday, July 9, 2009

So I've been a member of Twitter for a little while and I NEVER got the hang of it. I hated it, i just didn't get the fascination with it. Well, with discovering twitpic, I'm kind of obsessed now. I'm finally getting the hang of it and i love how you can upload pics from your phone, which is what i keep doing now. the whole 'following' concept is still creepy to me. i don't like the thought of strangers following me. i can't tweet privately or it wont automatically update my facebook, which is also a cool feature as I've discovered. since i am a fan of blogging and have random short thoughts, micro blogging is a pretty good idea for me.
Follow me:
Tommy, I can only imagine how happy you are about this :P
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Let him rest...
With all the media frenzy going on, i can't help but comment on what's happened with Michael Jackson. It's amazing to see so many people flock to the Staples Center with their golden tickets and others in hopes of being able to get in. there were 20,000 fans in there and about 9,000 friends and family. Putting drama aside, it really is tragic to lose someone who still had so much life to live. i don't think anyone can deny he was amazing musician and entertainer. he worked with some of the most famous and talented people in the world. he did so much for humanity and so many people only want to talk shit about him. it's really tragic all around. i never really had an opionin on him until his passing. i was never a huge fan, but i did have a copy of "Dangerous" and "HIStory." I honestly don't know what to think about all the accusations going on with him. some say he's guilty, some say he's innocent. part of me thinks it's true and part of me thinks the parents were over reacting. reguardless, he was still a father, and watching this clip will break anyone's heart...
People need to remember the great things he's done and try to forget all the speculation going on around his life. just look at the facts, a great entertainer has passed on tragically...
Rest in peace Michael, you've had a great life...
People need to remember the great things he's done and try to forget all the speculation going on around his life. just look at the facts, a great entertainer has passed on tragically...
Rest in peace Michael, you've had a great life...
Reception Pictures
Monday, July 6, 2009

On friday night, Pete was in town and wanted to go out. we had plans to go to Spybar but that fell through due to Pete not being let in because he wasn't dressed the part. So we ended up at Hopleaf. Tommy's been there a few times and wanted to take me there. they have 200+ kinda of beer. it's a beer heaven if you ask me. Some are pricey, some have a crazy alcohol content. I've heard the food there is wonderful, which i'd like to go back and try sometime soon. The front room was packed so we headed into the back where Tommy has never been. it has a nice cozy feeling to it. i really enjoyed being there. i made a quick decision on what kind of beer to start off with. i went with the usual Hoegaarden, which i was hoping was on tap, but then i recieved a bottle with the typical Hoegaarden glass. I can't really remember what the boys got, but i tried a few but we all have somewhat different tastes in beer. after my Hoegaarden i wasn't sure what to get, so i let Tommy decide for me. I ended up with a Delirium Tremens.
. It was a tasty, tasty beer. i highly enjoyed drinking it, as well as the glass and tap it came out of. Elephants are just so adorable! We eventually got a spot at the bar and hung out. i saw one of the guys that work at smartbar. he came up to the bar and we made eye contact. he looked and said "didn't i meet you last night?" i replied "you work at smartbar" we had a giggle, he got his beer and went back to his table. i can't getaway from smartbar apparently if i tried. i can't wait to go back there on a less crowded night and have a date night with Tommy. the dark setting is pretty romantic and all the types of beer is just glorious.

Let freedom ring...

I had quite an eventful weekend. More action packed that what it usually it due to holiday festivities. It was a good time. It started on thursday night going to smartbar to see Dieselboy. that was a short night, i got tired and angry at smartbar for some bullshit. So then on Saturday, Pete was in town from Michigan and we got some lunch at portiollos. Luckily it stopped raining so much. He went to pick up Mike, I went to pick up Tommy and we met up at Oli's for a BBQ. It was a good time, there were a few people there i wish I'd never see again but they left shortly after i got there luckily. As it turns out, I'm pretty terrified of roman candles and fireworks that are set off right in front of me. In the picture to the left, Pete had lit my roman candle and i started screaming. Tim had to jump in and save the day..and garage that i had the candle directed at. he held my hand the whole time while i was screaming with my eyes closed. i had the thing pointed directly at the garage. oops! no more fireworks for me. After that Tommy, Mike and I ran off to try to catch the fireworks show at Navy Pier but failed horribly. we missed them by a half hour. i wasn't all that upset, but it would have been nice to see fireworks other than in the alley behind Oli's house.

So we went back to Oli's and eventually convinced everyone to try my fail cake. I attempted to make Castle McIntosh, which obviously didn't turn out very well. it was a mix of Golden Butter mix with Chocolate Kahlua. i must say it was deeelicious. there were strawberries also baked into it. it didn't turn out as planned though.only half the cake wanted to come out of the pan, so i went with it anyways. i was going to make it pink, but i didn't enjoy the color. i went with purple and sprinkles. All in all it was a good night. Sunday was nice as well, Tommy and I went to his best friends birthday at her house. i saw some people i wish i hadn't and was outside longer than i wanted to be, but it was a good time.
after that i FINALLY got some alone time with Tommy. we hung out, cuddled and went to get some food. We were together all weekend but hadn't gotten much time to spend alone, which is one of my favorite things to do, his as well. so we had our own time together, got some food and had to say good night. He is probably one of the best things in my life right now and will be for awhile. I've never been so happy with someone. Never felt this good about myself or the relationship I'm in until him. all my friends seem to adore him which is a very rare occurrence. We're aware people are jealous and we usually high five when we talk about it. When i was on the way taking Mike home, without any sarcasm or haste in his voice he said "you guys are so cute." I never thought i would hear that come out of his mouth unless it was followed with something disturbing and angry. it's nice that my friends are so happy for me because I'm so happy for once. I've had the best quarter of a year, all thanks to him. <3
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I can't sit here and tell you that you're not making good decisions about what you're doing while going through the treatment you're doing. You KNOW how much i care and worry and you still put yourself in bad situations that could really effect your health. Can't you just lay in your hospital bed like everyone else? Do you HAVE to do the stupid shit you're doing? I want to see you get through this but you're risking yourself with what you're doing. I can't tell you how to live your life, but I'dlike to see you live your life AFTER this. I know I'm always on your ass about this. I wouldn't if I didn't care and I wish you weren't so stubborn and actually listenend for once. You didn't want to deal with me that one day, maybe you should have really thought about your actions then. Do you need me to tell you it's a bad idea to not do it? You obviously know you shouldn't but you do anyways. I can't talk to you on a daily basis if you keep telling me things that you know is going to upset me. You can't care about having a good time when you're sitting up in a hospital room with poison running through your veins.
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