Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well maybe you deserve it then..

Staying up late and watching "is she really going out with him?" makes your brain hurt and question so many things. also the bad music that is played on Mtv nowadays. In all reality, these girls, who really aren't that much of a prize themselves, possibly deserve better? i don't understand how people can spend their lives with these guys who are beyond awful and can justify to themselves that they're worth it. if you're getting treated like shit, why do you stay? what about this person do you feel you can spend so much time and effort on. you would think that if a girl's friends are constantly telling her that the boyfriend is awful, you'd think she'd take a hint and maybe re-evaluate where she is and going in life. also, you must look at the angle of 'is she really at that great herself?' and most of the time, they're really just as dumb as the guy they're dating. Of course, the girl is always the victim though, that's just how it works.

it really makes you think what's so wonderful about these guys that walk all over their girlfriends and somehow convince them to stay by their side. what does it take for a girl to walk away? why can't they wise up and really look at what's going on with their relationship? are they really that blinded by their world around them and directly effecting them? i'll be honest, i've dated my share of assholes, users and abusers but after awhile you wise up and discover the type of person you deserve to have.

i don't believe in spending yours days upset, furiated or frustrated with the person you love. enjoy the time you have with eachother, and if you don't or can't..move on! there's so many people i want to slap across the face because of the terrible guys they're dating.

if you're not getting the attention you deserve or at least a bit of attention, maybe you need to re-evaluate yourself and change your pattern.

1 comment:

  1. It's always easier to judge as an outsider, I think, because we don't see the way that the guy behaves, for instance, that just keeps bringing her back in, or understand what she feels like she's getting from him. I agree, though, that at times I have friends that I just want to shake and say "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!" but you can't get someone to see what they need to figure out on their own.
