Monday, April 11, 2011


I know a lot of times I come off as a person who doesn't give a shit about others and doesn't really care what you have to say. If you know me, you know that's not true. I overly care about people and I almost think it's a flaw of mine at this point. I want to make sure everyone is ok. I don't care if we haven't spoken in a long time or last week, if something is can count on me. I know life is hard, I know I've been through hell and I want to try to make it at least a bit easier for people around me. I want people to be able to open up to me and be comfortable sharing things with me with an unbiased opinion. I will sure give you my opinion when you're done speaking, but I'll let your thoughts flow first.

I'm a pisces, I can't help this. It's a part of my brain that I just can't shut off. No matter what happens with most people, I will always care. There is always going to be a part of me that cares about you and wants you to be okay and happy. If I was shitty to you, or you were shitty to me...there will always be a part of me that wants to hear from you and know you're ok.

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